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Bootcamp training by the Exploit Pack team.

We are about to have the first bootcamp training of the year (Last week of April). An intensive 2-day training where you will learn from scratch about Exploit Development, Reverse Engineering, Networking and an overview of all the basics of Penetration testing. There are still some spots available!

This training does not require any previous knowledge, but Windows and Linux internals are a plus. This is a hands-on training, so be ready to get your hands dirty! We will not bore you to death with a PowerPoint, instead, you’ll get to do all the exercises with our guidance.

Diplomas are earned not given. At the end of the bootcamp you can decide to take an exam (included in the price) The exam will cover, in a practical CTF-like scenario, all the topics you learned.

Limited Promotional offer: 500 euros (Including exam)
When: April 25th-26th - Live Online (Zoom)

Reserve a seat? Order here or reach out to us and we can plan a quick meeting, there are limited spots left.

--> Plan a meeting to know more about our trainings.

Day 1

- Computer architecture and protection mechanisms
- Evolution of software exploitation
- A penetration tester view of an application, platform and environment
- Networking basics
- Linux, Win and Mac penetration testing, differences and similarities
- Android and IOS, protections and penetration testing
- Web application vulnerabilities, pentest apps, manual vs automated

Day 2

- Virus, Malware and Trojans
- Antivirus and EDR bypasses
- Exploit Development, a "bit" of history
- Buffer overflows in Linux and Windows
- Protection mechanisms and their evolution
- Local exploits for Windows, injections, symlinks

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What the community says about Exploit Pack:

"Penetration testing has a lot of repeating tasks, especially when doing similar assignments for clients. For this reason, tools like Exploit Pack help with automating repeating activities. This framework contains over 38.000 exploits, probably much more than one might ever need." -